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Conference Paper Protection Algorithm Against Security Holes of IPv6 Routing Header
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Jae Deok Lim, Young Ki Kim
Issue Date
International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2006, pp.2004-2007
Conference Paper
Project Code
06MK1100, The Development of the High Performance Network Security System, Sohn Sung Won
Current internet is based on IPv4 protocol. However the limitation of IPv4 protocol such as a lack of address can put obstacles to continuous progress of internet. IPv6 protocol is suggested and developed as an alternative of IPv4 protocol. IPv6 protocol has many features for example the expanded addressing capability, auto-configuration mechanism, simplification of the header format, improved support for extensions and options, extensions for authentication and privacy, flow labeling capability and so on. But many security holes of IPv6 are being reported together with the features as mentioned above. This paper suggests the algorithm to solve the security hole caused by a routing header. Routing header is a kind of extension headers of IPv6 and is used by an IPv6 source to list one or more intermediate nodes to be visited on the way to a packet's destination. But routing header has the security hole that an attacker can detour the access list of security system, for example firewall, and then he can access the protected internal system by using routing header.
KSP Keywords
Access list, Authentication and Privacy, Auto-configuration, IPv6 protocol, Intermediate Nodes, Internal system, Protection Algorithm, Routing header, security system