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Conference Paper Asynchronous Data Transfer on Wireless 1394 System
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Seong Hee Park, Seong Hee Lee, Sang Sung Choi
Issue Date
International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2006, pp.1537-1540
Conference Paper
Project Code
06MH2600, Development of UWB Solution for High Speed Multimedia Transmission, Sangsung Choi
This paper shows the method of asynchronous data transfer on wireless 1394 system, wireless 1394 system is comprised of Bridge, PAL(Protocol Adaptation Layer) and UWB. A bridge has a separate protocol of IEEE 1394 on both sides, and connects two bridge portals of both sides. PAL is able to operate as a virtual IEEE 1394. A PAL hides the operational differences of the lower layer protocol from the higher layer. We developed wireless 1394 system, transferred asynchronous data through two wireless 1394 system, and demonstrated multimedia data transfer by transformed IP over 1394.
KSP Keywords
Adaptation Layer, Asynchronous data, Data transfer, IEEE 1394, Multimedia data