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Conference Paper The Design of Dynamic Authorization Model for User Centric Service in Mobile Environment
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Byung Gil Lee, Ho Won Kim, Kyo Il Chung
Issue Date
International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2006, pp.2124-2127
Conference Paper
Project Code
05MK2200, Development of security technology for secure RFID/USN service, Chung Kyo Il
Diameter protocol provides authentication, authorization, and accounting service for mobile node which request network access. In addition, Diameter protocol should provide authorization service for efficient resource management. The AAA system for authorization was suggested before, but the real-time environments and context service of user are not reflected. This paper suggests a new AAA model for the user centric and real-time based dynamic authorization service. The user centric and dynamic authorization means user customized and real-time authorization service between user and network for service mode of multi-wireless system, version of IP network, quality of service and security etc. These user centric authorization services give a guideline for ubiquitous network service.
KSP Keywords
Authorization Model, Authorization Services, Context Service, Diameter protocol, Dynamic Authorization, IP networks, Mobile node(MN), Network service, Real-Time, Resource management, Service mode