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Conference Paper Adaptive Threshold-based Link Status Update Mechanism
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Tae Il Kim, Jeong Ju Yoo, Hae Won Jung, Hyeong Ho Lee, Min Young Chung, Seong Il Jin
Issue Date
International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2006, pp.888-891
Conference Paper
The current Internet Protocol (IP)-based networks face tremendous requirements such as Quality of Service (QoS) guarantees, efficient Traffic Engineering (TE), network scalability, and high network performance, in accordance with the emergence of diverse Internet services. A constraint-based routing path is determined based on network topology and link state information to guarantee QoS. It is necessary for constraint-based routing to disseminate and update link state information. Throughput can be reduced due to processing link state update messages if link update messages are generated excessively. On the other side, route setup requests can be rejected even though there are available routes in case that link state information is not updated appropriately. This paper proposes a new adaptive threshold-based link status update mechanism to reduce the volume of link state update traffic and to provide QoS-guaranteed path. In addition, the performance of the proposed mechanism is evaluated via simulations.
KSP Keywords
Adaptive threshold, Constraint-Based Routing, Internet protocol(IP), Internet service, Link state, Link status, Network performance, Network topology, Routing Path, State information, State update