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Conference Paper Design of SPI Module in Large-Scale Network
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Seung Yong Yoon, Jin Tae Oh, Jong Soo Jang
Issue Date
International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2006, pp.1706-1711
Conference Paper
Project Code
06MK1100, The Development of the High Performance Network Security System, Sohn Sung Won
One of the major problems and limiting factor with network-based IDS(NIDS) is the high false positive alert rate. In order to reduce these false positive alerts, a lot of methods and techniques are proposed. Stateful Packet Inspection(SPI) is one of these solutions. Stateless IDSs generate tremendous false positive alerts while stick or snot attempts to attack. Most existing NIDS have SPI module which is supported statefulness but they don't satisfy high-performance in gigabit internet environment. To solve this problem, we propose hardware based SPI module that supported up to 1 million connections with 2-Step state management scheme in this Paper.
KSP Keywords
False positive, High performance, Large-scale network, Limiting factors, Methods and techniques, Packet inspection, State management, hardware based, management scheme, network-based IDS