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Conference Paper Network Configuration for Mobility in Mobile IP based System
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Yun Ji Ban, Jung Min Joo, Won Seok Chae, Chung Hwan Lee, Kwang Hyun Shim
Issue Date
International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2006, pp.29-33
Conference Paper
Project Code
05MH2500, Development of HD Level Interactive Multimedia Service Technology over Wireless Home Network, Kim Chae Kyu
Mobile IP (MIP) is proposed to manage mobility of devices. Mobile IP makes mobile nodes remain attached to the Internet even if they move away from the current link. However, the operation of MIP takes excessive signaling cost to register because a mobile node has to register with its home agent whenever it changes connectivity of link. Thus, we propose a hierarchical mobile IP with paging (P-HMIP) scheme to reduce the registration cost. In this scheme, we adopt a hierarchical scheme and a paging scheme at the same time. Then, we derive the signaling cost function of registration to analyze the performance of the proposed scheme. Using this cost function, we can determine the optimal size of each area which makes the registration cost minimal.
KSP Keywords
Cost Function, Hierarchical mobile IP, Hierarchical scheme, Home agent(HA), Mobile IP(MIP), Mobile node(MN), Network configuration, Optimal Size, Signaling cost, based system