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학술대회 Code Generation for Linux Device Driver
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최용훈, 권우일, 김흥남
International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2006, pp.734-737
05MW1800, 디바이스 드라이버 소스 코드 자동 생성 기술개발, 임채덕
Device drivers are software interfaces between software applications and hardware devices. As part of complex operating system, device drivers are considered extremely difficult to develop. They are usually developed in low-level programming languages, such as C, that cannot provide type safety and device semantics. The device driver developers must have an in-depth understanding of given hardware and software platforms. This paper presents a method and tools to lower entry barriers of device driver development for software engineers who lack knowledge of operating system and hardware platform and to reduce development time and effort by introducing automations in device driver design process.
KSP 제안 키워드
Design process, Development time, Driver Design, Driver Development, Hardware Devices, Hardware platform, Linux device driver, Software applications, code generation, hardware and software, operating system