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Conference Paper UWB Communication and Networking Systems with Chaotic Oscillator for Low Rate WPAN
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Cheol Hyo Lee, Jae Young Kim
Issue Date
International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2006, pp.867-870
Conference Paper
Project Code
05MH2200, The Development of high data rate WPAN based very high-speed wireless home networking technology, Kim Jae Young
This paper focused on the chaotic UWB (Ultrawide band) systems for Low Rate WPAN. According to the UWB signal generation methods, there are three types of signals such as Impulse, Chaos, and Chirp suggested by IEEE WPAN TG4a. The Chaotic UWB signal generation has advantage of arbitrary wide band pulse shape. Based on chaotic signal, chaotic UWB communication systems are implemented, which is composed of RF blocks and digital blocks. And then they are interconnected as star topology with coordinator and several end nodes and shown the functions of image transferring.
KSP Keywords
Chaotic signal, Low-rate, Networking Systems, Pulse shape, Signal generation, Star Topology, UWB communication systems, UWB signals, Ultra-Wide Band(UWB), chaotic oscillator, communication and networking