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Conference Paper Constructing the Channelized Interface on the Next-Generation SONET/SDH System
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Seung Woo Hong, Byung Ho Yae
Issue Date
International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2006, pp.2128-2132
Conference Paper
Project Code
05MT2400, Next Generation QoS Service Switching Technology, Lee Jong Hyun
With the explosion of packet applications, there is a growing demand for native data transport services for enterprises across public transport networks. Accordingly carriers have made an effort to incorporate a variety of enterprise data access network such as LAN, SAN on traditional metro and long-haul transport network that is mainly based on legacy SONET/SDH Because they could expect new revenue by offering both enterprise-centric connectivity services, such as TLS, VLAN, VPN services, as well as traditional private line services. For these hybrid data/TDM services, the integrated control mechanism that includes both the L2/L3 packet routing and the L1 TDM circuit switching is needed. In this article we introduce the new data transport mechanism, so called EOS, and describe the our implementation which include how to create data channel on physical SONET/SDH interface and how to map the IP data to SONET/SDH channel.
KSP Keywords
Circuit Switching, Control mechanism, Data Access, Data transport, Enterprise data, Integrated control, Long-haul, Next-generation, Packet routing, Public transport networks, Routing and