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Conference Paper User Authentication Mechanism Using Authentication Server in Home Network
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Yun Kyung Lee, Hong Il Ju, Jee Hye Park, Jong Wook Han
Issue Date
International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2006, pp.503-506
Conference Paper
Project Code
06MK2600, The Development of SecurityTechnology based on Device Authentication for Ubiquitous Home Network, Han Jong-Wook
User authentication is an essential component for secure home network service. It enables non-authorized persons not to use home network. User authentication mechanism supplying various authentication methods can provide user convenience in user authentication. To add to this, using of home gateway included of authentication server function enables that once users are authenticated in the home gateway, the users use all authorized home network service and internet contents services. It is possible by authentication agent of home gateway. This paper describes user authentication mechanism using authentication server.
KSP Keywords
Authentication Server, Authentication method, Home Network, Home gateway, Network service, User Authentication