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Conference Paper A Layered Approach to Design of Light-Weight Middleware Systems for Mobile RFID Security (SMRM: Secure Mobile RFID Middleware System)
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Nam Je Park, Joo Young Lee, Ho Won Kim, Kyo Il Chung, Sung Won Sohn
Issue Date
Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS) 2006, pp.1-4
Conference Paper
Recently, RFID (Radio Frequency IDentiflcation) technology is practically applied to a number of logistics processes as well as asset management, and RFID is also expected to be permeated in our daily life with the name of 'Ubiquitous Computing' or 'Ubiquitous Network' within the near future. The R&D groups in global now have paid attention to integrate RFID with mobile devices as well as to associate with the existing mobile telecommunication network. Such a converged technology and services would lead to make new markets and research challenges. However, the privacy violation on tagged products has become stumbling block. We propose a light-weight security mechanism which is constructed by mobile RFID security mechanism based on WIPI (Wireless Internet Platform for Interoperability). WIPI-based light-weight mobile RFID security platform can be applicable to various mobile RFID services that have strong security requirements In mobile environments. © 2006 IEEE.
KSP Keywords
Layered approach, Logistics processes, Middleware Systems, Mobile devices, Mobile telecommunication, Privacy violation, RFID middleware, RFID security, Radio Frequency(RF), Research Challenges, Security requirements