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Conference Paper Open Service Platform: A Service Creation and Provisioning Environment for BcN Infrastructure
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Sang Ki Kim, Byung Sun Lee, Kyung Pyo Jun
Issue Date
International Workshop on Broadband Convergence Network (BcN) 2006, pp.1-9
Conference Paper
Project Code
06MT1200, Developmet of Open API and Service Platform Technologies, Lee Byung Sun
Open service platform makes the functions of telecommunication network open to external service applications through well-defined API. Under this scheme the service layer is independent from lower layers of network such as control and transport layers. So this architecture is well-suited as BcN service platform, because BcN seeks the convergence of existing diverse networks and one of its convergence areas is the service convergence. In this paper we describe our open service platform such as open service gateway and open service development tools. We also mention our approach and experience to find out new APIs and create new converged services. © 2006 IEEE.
KSP Keywords
Convergence areas, Development tools, Service Layer, Service creation, Telecommunication Network, Well-defined, open service, service convergence, service platform