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Conference Paper Iterative Phase Offst Estimation for Mobile Broadband Satellite Internet Systems
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Joong Gon Ryu, Jun Heo, Pan Soo Kim, Ho Jin Lee
Issue Date
Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC) 2006 (Spring), pp.2617-2620
Conference Paper
Project Code
06MR3500, Development of Satellite and Terrestrial Convergence Technology for Internet Service on High-speed Mobile Vehicles, Lee Ho Jin
In this paper, we present efficient carrier phase estimating algorithms collaborate with a turbo code decoder for mobile broadband satellite DVB-RCS systems. Estimation of the carrier phase is based on soft information of transmitted symbol provided by iterative turbo decoder. We investigate performance of external single estimator and internal multiple estimator in the PSP (Per Survivor Processing) manner over AWGN channel. For phase estimation, the LMS (Least Mean Square) scheme is considered. For decision of transmitted symbol, three different APP-based methods are also compared. © 2006 IEEE.
KSP Keywords
AWGN channel, Carrier phase, DVB-RCS, Least mean square(LMS), Mobile Broadband, Per Survivor Processing(PSP), Soft information, Turbo decoder, broadband satellite, phase estimation, turbo codes