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Conference Paper A Study on the System Link Availability Analysis for SATCOM System
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Cheon Sig Sin, Jae Woo Park, Seong Pal Lee
Issue Date
AIAA International Communications Satellite Systems Conference (ICSSC) 2006, pp.539-546
Conference Paper
SATellite COMmmunication System is to be applied in the communication, ocean, and Meteorological Satellite. To evaluate the link quality of communication systems and design transmission methods for them, it is necessary to summary the link budget analysis. Since satellites only have a limited amount of transmission power, it is absolutely essential to investigate the link propagation characteristics so that parameter such as rain attenuation can be reliably estimated. The principle characteristics of rain that effect the quality of satellite communication systems are rain attenuation, cross polarization distortion, the increased noise associated with absorption by rain, and increased interference due to rain scattering. Rain attenuation is the phenomenon whereby a radio wave is absorbed and scattered by raindrops. SATCOM project consist of the ka-band communication payload system(COPS), Satellite Ground Control System(SGCS) and Communication Test Earth Station(CTES). This paper proposed the analysis result of the SATCOM system link availability considering the link phenomena.
KSP Keywords
Availability analysis, Cross polarization(CP), Earth station, Ground Control System, Link Availability, Link Budget Analysis, Link quality, Polarization distortion, Propagation characteristics, ka-band, meteorological satellite