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학술대회 A Method for Precise Bit-Error Probability Calculation of Asynchronous Multicode DS-CDMA Systems in Rayleigh Fading
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이승준, Norman C. Beaulieu
International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2006, pp.1410-1415
A precise bit-error probability analysis method for multicode DS-CDMA systems in Rayleigh fading is derived. The proposed method applies to a multicode DS-CDMA system with an arbitrary number of multiple code sequences and any selection of multiple code sequences. The method gives accurate results for Rayleigh fading while requiring only a single numerical integration of an integrand involving the well-known Q-function. The solution discriminates the effect of the selection of different multiple code sequences on the bit-error probability, whereas Gaussian approximations do not. The numerical examples show that the differences between methods for a multicode DS-CDMA system operating over Rayleigh fading channels may be more significant than for a single code system in Rayleigh fading channels or a multicode system in AWGN channels when the spreading factor is not large compared to the number of multiple code sequences. © 2006 IEEE.
KSP 제안 키워드
AWGN channel, Analysis method, Bit-error-rate(BER), DS-CDMA system, Direct-sequence code-division multiple-access(DS-CDMA), Error probability analysis, Gaussian approximation, Numerical examples, Probability calculation, Q-Function, Rayleigh Fading Channel