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Conference Paper Vision and Strategy Developing the Next Generation Mobile Communications Technologies
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Seok Ji Park
Issue Date
Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology (PICMET) 2006, pp.1983-1987
Conference Paper
In this article, we present vision and strategy for developing B3G mobile communications technology of Korea. Mobile communications technology has evolution for satisfying the customer needs continuously. It is expected for the future mobile communications to provide safety, health care, convenience, pervasive environments, knowledge based, high culture life, and human relationship services to users in time of beyond 3rd generation. The 3G mobile communications services have launched recently to make new business opportunities in Korea, but they have many limitations such as the expensive usage fee and low transmission speed yet. Thus there is much concern to the next stage of 3G services to overcome previous restrictions recently. We suggest service functionalities and technical characteristics vision and strategy for providing the beyond 3G (B3G) mobile communications. Vision has established based on the user's demand as well as on new communications technologies. However, B3G services should meet service requirements in terms of price and data transmission speed. B3G services can guarantee very high transmission speed and various multimedia services like picture phone with low price. In the point of view of networks, the access networks need to be converged and integrated in order to support these services. Different types of handset will be available to meet various user's requirements and usage patterns. B3G services could be a solution that satisfies customers' need on new mobile communications services overcoming existing restrictions. (c) 2006 PICMET.
KSP Keywords
3G mobile, Customer needs, Data transmission, High Transmission, Knowledge-based, Multimedia Service, Pervasive Environment, Service requirements, Technical characteristics, Transmission speed, access network