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Conference Paper High Isolation PIN Diode Switch for Satellite Communications System
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In Kwon Ju, In Bok Yom
Issue Date
International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications (ITC-CSCC) 2006, pp.1-4
Conference Paper
A PIN diode switch with high isolation and high switching speed has been developed for the microwave switch matrix of satellite communications system. This paper presents an accurate diode model that can precisely simulate the characteristics of the voltage-controlled PIN diode. The parallel capacitance of a PIN diode restricts the isolation of the series PIN diode switch and the switch driver circuit limits the switching speed of PIN diode switch. The resonant circuitry and the TTL compatible switch driver circuit are proposed to obtain high isolation and high switching speed. The measurement results of the 3 GHz PIN diode switch show over 1 GHz frequency band, less than 1.5 dB insertion loss, 65 dB isolation, more than 15 dB return loss and less than 30 ns switching speed. In particular the 3 GHz PIN diode switch using the resonant circuitry exhibits the improvement of isolation by 15 dB.
KSP Keywords
Communications system, Driver circuit, Microwave switch, PIN diode switch, Return loss(RL), Switch matrix, diode model, frequency band, high isolation, high switching speed, insertion loss