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Conference Paper Communication, Ocean, and Meteorological Satellite Orbit Determination Analysis Considering Maneuver Scheme
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Yoola Hwang, Byoung Sun Lee, Hae Yeon Kim, Jae Hoon Kim, Hae Dong Kim, Sang Young Park
Issue Date
AIAA/AAS Astrodynamics Specialist Conference 2006, pp.1648-1660
Conference Paper
Orbit determination (OD) analysis for geostationaryCommunications, Ocean, and Meteorological Satellite (COMS) is presented. Since the orbital longitude of COMS is close to that of satellite tracking site, geometric singularity affects observability. For OD, we fix velocity increment by the wheel off-loading maneuver, and the azimuth angle tracking bias is not estimated because of observability problem. Final epoch of the propagated OD based on different data arc length is used for two-day orbit prediction. The difference between truth and 48-hour predicted orbit that contains the OD error shows 4-18 km Root-Sum-Squares (RSS) in 3-D sense (one sigma) in spite of the singularity problem. Thus an operational Orbit Determination and prediction (ODP) system for COMS fulfills the requirement for 18 km RSS (one sigma) predicted positioning knowledge.
KSP Keywords
Azimuth Angle, Geometric singularity, Orbit prediction, Satellite Tracking, Satellite orbit determination, Singularity problem, Three dimensional(3D), Velocity increment, angle tracking, arc length, meteorological satellite