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Conference Paper A Context Aware Framework for u-Healthcare in a Wearable System
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Dong Oh Kang, Kyu Chang Kang, Hyung Jik Lee, Eun Jung Ko, Jeun Woo Lee
Issue Date
World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering (WC) 2006, pp.4026-4029
Conference Paper
A wearable system can be a key system for uHealthcare, which means healthcare services at any time and at any places. A wearable system for u-Healthcare is composed of three parts: wearable computers, wearable sensor systems, and communication modules. A middleware is required in order to send the information gathered from wearable sensors to u-Healthcare service entities. The middleware should handle the problem of interoperability between information from sensors and u-Healthcare service entities. We develop a context aware framework as the middleware between wearable sensor systems and u-Healthcare service entities. An ontology based context model is designed for interoperability between context providing modules and u-Healthcare service entities. By using the same context model and the same API’s of the context aware framework in programming both context providing modules and u-Healthcare service entities, contexts from sensors can be sent to u-Healthcare service entities without the interoperability problem. In order to show the feasibility of the proposed system, some application examples are given, which are applied to a remote monitoring, and a self check service.
KSP Keywords
Communication module, Context aware, Context model, Healthcare Services, Remote monitoring, Ubiquitous Healthcare System(U-Healthcare), Wearable computers, Wearable sensor system, wearable system