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Conference Paper Analyzing the Preference of 3D Services and Evauating the Economic Value of 3D Broadcasting Services
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Jung A Kwon, Sang Kyu Byun, Sung Ook Kim
Issue Date
ITS European Regional Conference 2006, pp.1-10
Conference Paper
With the rapid penetration of digital technology in recent years, there are growing expectations that many new services will soon become available. One of the new services is 3Dimension (3D) services, because our concern is concentrated on the quality of information that exceeds the digitalization of information. A stereoscopic technique for generating 3D images is contributed to raise the quality of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) service and is extensively applied to various fields. So 3D services, based on that technique, are expected to create a new market for ICT industry and provide significant benefits to consumers. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the consumer preference and evaluate the economic value of the 3D broadcasting service, so it provides propriety of the 3D technology development for market planners and product developers who need to assess the market potential of a product that is not yet available for actual test marketing. And it is useful for decision-makers in considering the provision of 3D services.In this paper, the gang survey was conducted to understand consumer preference of 3D services. The result of survey shows that the 3D broadcasting service is expected to main application of a stereoscopic technique for generating 3D images. The 3D broadcasting service is a new medium with immediate appeal to sensibilities of people, so it would represent a landmark in the evolution of 3D services.This study attempts to apply the contingent valuation method (CVM) to measuring the willingness to pay (WTP) for the 3D broadcasting service and analyzing the determinants of the WTP. In CVM survey, the contingent market with a television (TV) subscription fee for the 3D broadcasting service is presented to respondents to assist their decisions for subscription. On the whole, respondents accepted the contingent market and were willing to contribute a significant amount for the 3D broadcasting service.
KSP Keywords
3D Image, 3D Technology, Actual test, Consumer preferences, Contingent Valuation Method(CVM), Decision makers(DMs), ICT Industry, Quality of information, Willingness to pay, broadcasting services, communication technologies