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구분 SCI
연도 ~ 키워드


학술대회 The Relative Intensity Noise due to Strong External Reflection Into the Isolator Free DFB Laser Diode Transmitter
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이종진, 강현서
Passive Components and Fiber-based Devices III (APOC) 2006 (SPIE 6351), v.6351, pp.1-6
06MT1600, 광통신부품 개발기술 지원, 강현서
The effect of external feedback on an isolator free transmitter was investigated experimentally by measuring relative intensity noise (RIN The experiments were done under the possible conditions that might happen during operation such as external reflection and temperature change. In addition to that, the effect of reflection depending on the types of source which DFB and FP LD are widely used for that. Finally, LD to Fiber alignment under external reflection was demonstrated. It was found that the effect of external reflection was dominant factor compared with temperature change and FP LD is less affected by reflection than DFB LD. The maximum RIN occurs at the maximum coupling position of LD and fiber and the minimum RIN exists near the maximum coupling position, which can be used to optimize the coupling and RIN tolerance according to the alignment position by changing the lens focal length.
KSP 제안 키워드
DFB laser, Dominant factor, External feedback, External reflection, Fiber alignment, Focal length, Laser diode(LD), Relative intensity noise, Temperature change