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Conference Paper Field Test Results of Digital On-Channel Repeaters for DTV Transmission Network in Korea
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Young Woo Suh, Young Min Kim, Tae Hoon Kwon, Ha Kyun Mok, Sung Ik Park, Yong Tae Lee
Issue Date
Broadcast Symposium (BTS) 2006 (Fall), pp.27-29
Conference Paper
In this paper, we introduce two types of Digital On-Channel Repeaters (DOCRs) system and analyze field test results of DOCR applications in the Digital Terrestrial Television Broadcasting (DTTB) Networks. The proposed system adopted digital signal processing schemes to cancel RF loop-back signal and correct linear and nonlinear distortions in the repeated DTV signal. It makes use of the features of 8-VSB modulated signal, that is, a short symbol duration time and long training sequences to equalize linear distortions. KBS and ETRI performed field tests several times in Suwon and KwangMyung, Korea. Through those field tests, we investigated reception performance of various generations of DTV receivers under the DOCR operation. We fully analyzed test results in many aspects and we also compared possible transmission power and other transmission parameters between two types of DOCRs..
KSP Keywords
DTV receivers, Digital Signal Processing, Digital Terrestrial Television Broadcasting, Field Test, Linear and nonlinear, Modulated signal, duration time, nonlinear distortion, training sequence(TS), transmission network, transmission parameters