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Conference Paper A Dynamic Load Balancing for Massive Multiplayer Online Game Server
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Jung Youl Lim, Jae Yong Chung, Jin Ryong Kim, Kwang Hyun Shim
Issue Date
International Conference on Entertainment Computing (ICEC) 2006 (LNCS 4161), v.4161, pp.239-249
Conference Paper
On-line games are becoming more popular lately as the Internet becomes popular, game platforms become diverse and a ubiquitous game environment is supported. Therefore, distributed game server technology is required to support large numbers of concurrent game users simultaneously. Especially, while game users are playing games, many unpredictable problems can arise, such as a certain server handles more server loads than recommended because many game users crowded into a specific region of a game world. These kinds of situations can lead to whole game server instability. In this paper, global dynamic load balancing model and distributed MMOG(Massive Multiplayer Online Game) server architecture are proposed to apply our load balancing algorithm. Many different experiments were carried out to test for efficiency. Also an example of applying real MMOG application to our research work is shown. © IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2006.
KSP Keywords
Balancing model, Concurrent game, Dynamic Load Balancing, Game platform, Global dynamics, International federation, Large numbers, Massive multiplayer online game, game environment, information processing, load balancing algorithm