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학술대회 A Framework for Ensuring Security in Ubiquitous Computing Environment Based on Security Engineering Approach
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김호원, 이주영
International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems (KES) 2006 (LNCS 4251), v.4251, pp.1250-1258
06MK1700, 안전한 RFID/USN을 위한 정보보호 기술 개발, 정교일
The goal of this paper is to provide a framework for ensuring security in ubiquitous computing environment based on security engineering approach. Security engineering is about building systems to remain dependable in the face of malice, error or mischance. In order to do this, we propose a framework which includes the concept of security state and security flow. The combinations of security state and security flow represent a unique viewpoint and a particular pattern for consideration of security services. We can analyze and identify security issues and threats from these combinations and patterns and provide suitable security services for concerns. For this purpose, we have applied our approach to RFID service network, which is one of the representative examples that are to practically realize ubiquitous computing environment. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006.
KSP 제안 키워드
Building systems, Engineering approach, Security issues, Security state, Service network, Ubiquitous computing environment, security engineering, security service