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Conference Paper Context Knowledge Modeling for Pervasive Computing
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Joon Myun Cho, Hyun Kim, Soon Hung Han
Issue Date
International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient Intelligence (URAI) 2006, pp.1-17
Conference Paper
For the pervasive computing in ubiquitous environment, it is very important to manage the context model to provide pertinent context knowledge to context-aware applications. The context model should be able to support efficiently the context knowledge reusing and sharing as well as reasoning. Previous works focus mainly on the context knowledge representation scheme for reasoning. This paper proposes a context knowledge modeling scheme especially for reusing and sharing. This scheme provides well-established guides for 1) context knowledge modularization and hierarchization, and 2) context knowledge identification and organization. Once the context models are built according to the scheme, the structure of the context model and the meanings of the context knowledge elements become clear and consistent, so that context-aware applications can share and reuse the context knowledge in easy and error-reduced manner. This paper also discusses the implementation of a context model and an application for Presentation Helper scenario running on a software middleware system (CAMUS) for ubiquitous service robots which is being developed by ETRI Korea.
KSP Keywords
Context knowledge, Context model, Knowledge Representation, Knowledge identification, Knowledge modeling, Service robots, Ubiquitous environments, context-aware applications, pervasive Computing, ubiquitous service