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Conference Paper Interference Analysis between HAPS and Satellite in the Band 47/48 GHz
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Bon Jun Ku, Do Seob Ahn
Issue Date
HAPCOS Workshop, pp.1-6
Conference Paper
Under Resolution 122 (Rev. WRC-03), ITU-R is invited to study, as a matter of urgency, power limitations applicable for HAPS ground stations to facilitate sharing with space station receivers in the bands 47.2-47.5 GHz and 47.9-48.2 GHz. Recommendation ITU-R SF.1481-1, which was developed during past study period, provides methodology and system characteristics for analyzing the sharing feasibility between systems in the FS using HAPS and systems in the FSS. System characteristics for a typical HAPS in the bands above are also given in Recommendation ITU-R F.1500.This paper provides the results on power level for HAPS ground stations in accordance with Resolution 122 (Rev. WRC-03). As already shown in Recommendation ITU-R SF.1481-1, the results show that a sufficient separation distance should be required for sharing between HAPS ground stations and FSS satellite systems. In addition to it, we present some examples of the sharing conditions considering reducing the power level of HAPS ground stations and using the antenna beam pattern with the low sidelobe to decrease the interference level affecting FSS satellite receiver.
KSP Keywords
5 GHz, And systems, Beam pattern, Ground Station, Interference Analysis, Interference level, International telecommunications union radiocommunication(ITU-R), Low sidelobe, Power Levels, Recommendation ITU-R, Satellite system