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Conference Paper Determining the Optimum Number of Vehicle Probes with Accounting the Realiability of Link Travel Times
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Jeong Ah Jang, Tae Ho Yoo, Jeong Whon You
Issue Date
ITS World Congress 2006, pp.1-8
Conference Paper
So far, a lot of travel time oriented traffic engineering studies that have been carried out for planning, design and part of operation purposes. This study, however, has been motivated for operation and ITS purposes, focusing on the calculation of the optimal number of probe vehicles to guarantee the reliability of link travel times facing the era of ATIS and/or telematics. Ever since the early times of ITS, the issue of probe numbers has been raised. However, the accounting of the trade-offs between the number of equipped vehicles and the quality of travel time data has not been reflected much in determining the appropriate number of probe vehicles. This paper introduces a statistical network problem solution based on large sampling theory and revised statistical algorithm simultaneously. After comparing link travel times collected from GPS probes and true link travel times surveyed from license plate matching method, we discuss the probe number estimation problem based statistical sampling theory.
KSP Keywords
Early times, Engineering studies, License plate matching, Optimal number, Optimum number, Probe vehicles, Statistical algorithm, Statistical sampling, Trade-off, Traffic Engineering, Travel time