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Conference Paper Automatic Building Height Extraction by Monoscopic Shadow Analysis
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Tsend Ayush Javzandulam, Tae Jung Kim, Kyung Ok Kim
Issue Date
Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (ACRS) 2006, pp.1126-1129
Conference Paper
An attempt has been made in this study to develop an automatic algorithm to determine building height from monoscopic high-resolution satellite data. The algorithm is based on analysis of projected shadow and actual shadow of the building. The algorithm estimates building height automatically by projecting building shadow onto the image for given building heights, counting overlapping pixels between the projected shadow and actual shadow, and fining the height that maximizes the number of overlapping pixels. A panchromatic IKO-NOS image over Deajeon area is used to test proposed algorithm. The result is compared with building height by stereo analysis and the accuracy of the building height extraction is examined using standard error of estimate. It was found that standard error (SE) is 1.66 m.
KSP Keywords
Building height, Building shadow, High-resolution, Shadow analysis, automatic algorithm, satellite data, standard error