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Conference Paper Secure MPEG-4 Streaming on IP Set-top Box
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Ji Hyun Park, Ki Song Yoon, Jae Cheol Ryou
Issue Date
Europe-China Conference on Intellectual Properly in Digital Media (IPDM) 2006, pp.1-7
Conference Paper
Content serviced on IP set-top box is transmitted over IP network by streaming. This means that the existing hacking tools for IP network can be used to capture the content. Recently most of content serviced on IP set-top box is MPEG-2 TS type. Since compression efficiency of MPEG-2 is relatively low, content type is being moved to WMV, MPEG-4 or H.264 gradually. In this paper, we propose a DRM scheme for streamed MPEG-4 content which is available for IP set-top boxes. Our approach is to design a DRM scheme independent to the existing MPEG-4 streaming server and to control the processing time of DRM considering device performance.
KSP Keywords
4 content, Content type, IP networks, MPEG-2 TS, Mpeg-4, Set-top-box(STB), compression efficiency, device performance, processing time