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Conference Paper An Objectionable Image Detection System based on Region of Interest
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Chi Yoon Jeong, Seung Wan Han, Su Gil Choi, Taek Yong Nam
Issue Date
International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) 2006, pp.1477-1480
Conference Paper
In this paper, we propose the objectionable image detection system based on ROI. The proposed system excels in that ROI detection method is specialized in objectionable image detection. In addition, we propose the novel feature consisting of weighted SCD based on ROI and skin color structure descriptor for classifying objectionable image. Using the ROI detection method, we can reduce the noisy information in image and extract more accurate features for classifying objectionable image. We can also increase the performance of classification system using the skin color information which is the most representative characteristic of objectionable image. An objectionable image is classified as follows. First, the proposed system extracts the ROI from an input image, and then generates the feature using the color information of ROI image and the skin color structure information. The generated feature is used as an input to the SVMs which determines whether an image is objectionable or not. Experimental results show that the proposed ROI detection method can detect ROI exactly. Additionally, the proposed system can achieve the better performance than existing system. ©2006 IEEE.
KSP Keywords
Classification system, Detection Method, Image detection system, Intrusion detection system(IDS), Noisy information, Region Of Interest(ROI), Skin color information, Structure descriptor, color structure, structure information