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Conference Paper Image Fingerprinting Scheme for Print-and-Capture Model
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Won Gyum Kim, Seon Hwa Lee, Yong Seok Seo
Issue Date
Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia (PCM) 2006 (LNCS 4261), v.4261, pp.106-113
Conference Paper
This paper addresses an image fingerprinting scheme for the print-to-capture model performed by a photo printer and digital camera. When capturing an image by a digital camera, various kinds of distortions such as noise, geometrical distortions, and lens distortions are applied slightly and simultaneously. In this paper, we consider several steps to extract fingerprints from the distorted image in print-and capture scenario. To embed ID into an image as a fingerprint, multi-bits embedding is applied. We embed 64 bits ID information as a fingerprint into spatial domain of color images. In order to restore a captured image from distortions a noise reduction filter is performed and a rectilinear tiling pattern is used as a template. To make the template a multi-bits fingerprint is embedded repeatedly like a tiling pattern into the spatial domain of the image. We show that the extracting is successful from the image captured by a digital camera through the experiment. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006.
KSP Keywords
Capture model, Color images, Digital camera, Image fingerprinting, Noise reduction(NR), spatial domain