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Conference Paper Evaluation of Internet Worms Propagation in IPv6 Network
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Hwan Kuk Kim, Bo Heung Chung, Ingrid Beyer, Ki Young Kim
Issue Date
International Conference on Hybrid Information Technology (ICHIT) 2006 (LNCS 4413), v.4413, pp.1-9
Conference Paper
Internet worms are defined as autonomous programs that spread through networks by scanning and infecting target hosts automatically. Most Internet worms randomly probe the target IP address to find the vulnerable hosts. It is possible to be propagated very fast in IPv4 network, because of the fact that internet worms are able to scan entire address space within a few hours. But, IPv6 network make it more difficult to probe vulnerable hosts randomly due to have a 128bit addressing model. Therefore, we had an interest in whether a huge address space of IPv6 really makes it secure to be propagated by internet worms. In this paper, we discuss the feasibilities of those worms, which are based on typical internet worms occurring in IPv4, in real IPv6 network and experiment worm propagation with the classical propagation models.
KSP Keywords
Address space, IP address, IPv6 network, Internet Worm, propagation model, worm propagation