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연도 ~ 키워드


학술대회 SHOES: Secure Healthcare Oriented Environement Service Model
Cited 7 time in scopus Download 0 time Share share facebook twitter linkedin kakaostory
송지은, 정명애
Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference Healthcare Technology (BioCAS) 2006, pp.89-93
06MK2500, 나노 입자를 이용한 고성능 바이오 센서 시스템, 정명애
Most people assume that all of their medical records are dealt with as privileged information by medical doctor or relative operators. In general, patients' medical records are too personal privacy attributes or weak things which would not be revealed to anyone. In some case, privacy information of patient (e.g., preference products, activity pattern, habits, etc.) is able to become the high value-added profit source to business service provider and be damaged to his reputation or honor by leakage of it Therefore, requirements for privacy and data protection at all against illegal disclosure are very significantly considered for realization of u-healthcare service with provisioning the patient safety. In this work we give an overview on the actual network architecture which enables to support u-healthcare service and we analysis problems encountered in based on security assets and consumer entities. Especially we present originality security considerations which are characterized by u-healthcare service environment. Additionally we show the current state of research and countermeasures useful to protect the user's privacy. © 2006 IEEE.
KSP 제안 키워드
Activity pattern, Current state, Data protection, Healthcare Services, Medical records, Network Architecture, Personal privacy, Privacy information, Privileged information, Security considerations, Service Model