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Conference Paper Residual Signal Compression Based on the Blind Signal Decomposition for Video Coding
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Sea Nae Park, Dong Gyu Sim, Seoung Jun Oh, Chang Beom Ahn, Yung Lyul Lee, Ho Chong Park, Chae Bong Sohn, Jeong Il Seo
Issue Date
International Conference on Ubiquitous Convergence Technology (ICUCT) 2006 (LNCS 4412), v.4412, pp.11-19
Conference Paper
In this paper, a new residual signal compression method is proposed based on the blind signal decomposition for video coding. Blind signal decomposition is derived based on the fact that most of the natural signals in the real world could be decomposed into their basis signals and their weight values used in the composition process. In the proposed video coding system, composite data generated by adding two or more blocks are coded. Then the proposed decoder parses the coded bitstream and reconstructs the composite residual. The reconstructed composite residual is decomposed into the original residual blocks based on the blind signal decomposition. In the proposed system, the blind source separation is selectively used, depending on the performance of source separation. It is found that we can achieve approximately 2 - 3dB gain by embedding our algorithm into an MPEG-4 baseline encoder. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007.
KSP Keywords
Blind signal, Blind source separation(BSS), Coding system, Mpeg-4, Real-world, Residual signal, Signal Compression Method, Signal decomposition, Video coding