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Conference Paper MIDSTA: MIddleware for Distributed Sensor neTwork Applications
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Kwang Soo Kim, Min Soo Kim, Jung Hee Jo, Jai Ho Lee, Chung Ho Lee, Cheol Sig Pyo
Issue Date
International Ubiquitous Convergence Conference (IUC) 2006, pp.1-4
Conference Paper
The main purpose of MIDSTA is to support the development, maintenance, and execution of applications based on sensor networks. MIDSTA includes mechanisms for processing complex user-level sensing query, communicating to the DSN, distributing the query to individual sensor nodes, gathering the sensor readings of the each sensor node, merging the sensor reading into a user-level values, and reporting the values to the user who issues the query. This paper presents the concept model definition of MIDST. The paper informs the user with a fundamental idea of DSN middleware and informs the developer the key relationship between sensor networks, middleware, and applications to help establish a consistent development plan. This paper includes a structure, necessity, roles, functional requirements, relationship among other components consisting of DSN system, and implementation method of DSN middleware. MIDSA plays a role of a common platform to create sophisticated DSN services under heterogeneous sensor network environments.
KSP Keywords
Concept model, Development plan, Distributed sensor network, Functional Requirements, Heterogeneous Sensor Networks, Implementation method, Model definition, Network applications, Sensor node