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Conference Paper GEN05-1: SCA-based Reconfigurable Base Station System
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Eun Seon Cho, Sang Chul Oh, Chan Yong Lee, Nam Hoon Park
Issue Date
GLOBECOM 2006, pp.1-4
Conference Paper
It is expected that multiple radio access standards and systems will coexist in the same environment beyond 3G. Software Defined Radio (SDR) has made itself become a key enabling technology in order to realize such a flexible and reconfigurable radio system. Several research works have involved in the development of SDR systems and their efforts focus on hardware design and software framework. However, the current SDR system is insufficient to provide their full potential due to the performance problems. In this paper, we propose a reconfigurable base station system (RBS) which is composed of AdvancedTCA hardware platform and SCA-based software platform. Our RBS system shows that it is capable of changing mode between WiMAX and HSDPA. The application components of the RBS system divide into two parts, control data and traffic data components for the performance improvement. The traffic data components are implemented as adaptor components. © 2006 IEEE.
KSP Keywords
And systems, Enabling technologies, Hardware Design, Hardware platform, SDR system, Software Defined Radio(SDR), Software Framework, Station system, base station(BS), changing mode, control data