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Conference Paper Route Optimization Using RIPng Protocol in Nested Network Mobility
Cited 6 time in scopus Share share facebook twitter linkedin kakaostory
Sung Hei Kim, Yoon Young Ahn, Sang Ha Kim, Tae II Kim
Issue Date
International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2006, pp.1985-1988
Conference Paper
Proving the mobility service is one of the basic requirements in the ubiquitous network. Mobile router function is needed to provide mobility in the network. The NEMO working group of IETF defines the function of the mobile router. The problem of the NEMO protocol is that it suffers from ping-pong effect in proving mobile service to the nested network. The NEMO working group is currently working on proving route optimization in the nested network, but there is still no good solution in solving that problem. This paper is provides route optimization in nested mobile network with a simple use of RIPng inside the nested network. The method provided in this paper perceives two simple facts in providing efficient route optimization. First is that the mobile router is still a mobile router when is being nested under another mobile router. Second is that a good protocol must be simple and easy to implement.
KSP Keywords
Efficient route, Mobile Routers(MRs), Mobile networks, Mobile services, Route optimization, Ubiquitous networks, network mobility, ping-pong effect