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Conference Paper Mutual Authentication using Fuzzy Fingerprint Vault
Cited 1 time in scopus Share share facebook twitter linkedin kakaostory
Dae Sung Moon, Sung Ju Lee, Seung Hwan Jung, Yong Wha Chung
Issue Date
International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security (ICCIAS) 2006, pp.878-881
Conference Paper
Biometric-based authentication can provide strong security guarantee about the identity of users. However, security/privacy of biometric data is particularly important as compromise of the data will be permanent. On the contrary, the security of a typical PKl-based user authentication solution is deteriorated by a simple password once the private key is protected by a simple password. In this paper, we present an implementation to improve the security of the typical PKl-based authentication by protecting the private key with a fingerprint. In addition to the functionality of the mutual authentication, our solution can alleviate the privacy issue of the fingerprint data by storing the fingerprint, data not in a database, but in a user-carry device such as a smart, card or a USB token. Furthermore, the fingerprint data stored in the user-carry device is conglomerated with the private key, and the private key is released only with the valid fingerprint. © 2006 IEEE.
KSP Keywords
Fuzzy fingerprint vault, Privacy issues, Security guarantee, Strong security, USB Token, User Authentication, biometric data, biometric-based authentication, mutual authentication, private Key