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Conference Paper Effective E-mail Address Anonymization System using Identity Service Provider
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Hangyu Ko, Seunghyun Kim, Yeongsub Cho, Seunghun Jin
Issue Date
International Ubiquitous Convergence Conference (IUC) 2006, pp.1-5
Conference Paper
Unwanted e-mail popularly known as spam mail is a serious problem that affects Internet users daily. Recently, an e-mail address anonymization system was proposed to protect users from abuse of their e-mail addresses. The system enables an enterprise to generate different alias addresses for different suppliers so that in the case of a leakage incident, the enterprise can revoke alias addresses and thereby block spam mails. However, the corresponding system has three weak points. First, the system provides the anonymization service between the enterprise and its subcontractors only. This means that the system does not consider e-mail address leakage by other Internet participants except for the subcontractors. Second, there is no MAC to detect forged alias addresses. Third, all of the tasks from the alias address generation to e-mail filtering and forwarding are centralized to an anonymization mediator. This can adversely affect the performance of the corresponding system. In this paper, we propose a new e-mail address anonymization system using an IDSP, which provides an ID management service as the anonymization mediator to overcome these problems.
KSP Keywords
E-Mail, Service Provider, Spam mail, internet users, weak points