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Conference Paper Uniformly Partitioning Images on Virtual Hexagonal Structure
Cited 9 time in scopus Share share facebook twitter linkedin kakaostory
Xiangjian He, Huaqing Wang, Nam Ho Hur, Wenjing Jial, Qiang Wu, Jin Woong Kim, Tom Hintz
Issue Date
International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV) 2006, pp.1-6
Conference Paper
Hexagonal structure is different from the traditionnal square structure for image representation. The geometrical arrangement of pixels on hexagonal structure can be described in terms of a hexagonal grid. Uniformly separating image into seven similar copies with a smaller scale has commonly been used for parallel and accurate image processing on hexagonal structure. However, all the existing hardware for capturing image and for displaying image are produced based on square architecture. It has become a serious problem affecting the advanced research based on hexagonal structure. Furthermore, the current techniques used for uniform separation of images on hexagonal structure do not coincide with the rectangular shape of images. This has been an obstacle in the use of hexagonal structure for image processing. In this paper, we briefly review a newly developed virtual hexagonal structure that is scalable. Based on this virtual structure, algorithms for uniform image separation are presented. The virtual hexagonal structure retains image resolution during the process of image separation, and does not introduce distortion. Furthermore, images can be smoothly and easily transferred between the traditional square structure and the hexagonal structure while the image shape is kept in rectangle. © 2006 IEEE.
KSP Keywords
Geometrical arrangement, Image processing, Image resolution, Square structure, Virtual structure, hexagonal grid, hexagonal structure, image representation, image separation, smaller scale, uniform image