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Conference Paper Routing Based on Ad Hoc Link Reliability
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Kwon Seung Shin, Min Young Chung, Jong Ho Won, Hyun Seung Choo
Issue Date
Parallel and Distributed Processing and Applications (ISPA) 2006 (LNCS 4331), v.4331, pp.341-350
Conference Paper
An ad-hoc network is a group of mobile nodes acting as routers in infrastructureless networking situations. The ad-hoc node has a precondition of mobility, allowing path to be easily disconnected when transmitting data, thereby increasing network overhead. However, most ad-hoc routing protocols set up the path based only on the number of hops without considering other practical issues and factors. Here we consider a path with the least substantial number of transmissions (SNT) from source to destination based on reliabilities of links. This includes retransmissions due to unreliable links. In this paper, an efficient ad-hoc link reliability based routing (ALR) protocol suitable for mobile ad-hoc network in terms of SNT, is proposed. The network overhead and data transmission delay are reduced, by considering both ad-hoc link reliability and the number of hops. Our empirical performance evaluation comparing to AODV [1] shows that the enhancement is up to about 31% for SNT depending upon the mobility of nodes. © Springer-Verlag 2006.