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Conference Paper Identity Centric Management of Distributed User Created Content
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Dae Seon Choi, Kwang Jae Yeo, Seung Hyun Kim, Seung Hun Jin, Hyun Soo Yoon
Issue Date
International Ubiquitous Convergence Conference (IUC) 2006, pp.1-5
Conference Paper
As user creates various types of contents and publish them on the internet, the user created content management become important issue. The creator wants convenient management of his own contents distributed in many content providers. The consumer needs a method of searching contents of a same creator using different identifier in the different provides. There is not a systematic method of defining, assigning, and publishing the copyright policy. And the reputation is made and used only in a content provider. To solve these problems, we propose identity centric content management method. As the content, copyright and reputation are all identity information, it is most effective to manage these information identity-centrically. The user content maanagement system that implement the identity centric management consists of content manager, content provider server and consumer agent. This system can be constructed on the existing content circulation system. The data and message structure used in the system are also presented. And the operation procedures are described.
KSP Keywords
Circulation system, Content Management, Content provider, Systematic method, consumer agent, message structure