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Conference Paper Geo-Spatial Hypermedia based on Augmented Reality
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Sung-Soo Kim
Issue Date
Korea-Japan Joint Workshop on Frontiers of Computer Vision (FCV) 2007, pp.186-191
Conference Paper
We present a unique augmented reality (AR)-based geo-spatial hypermedia that seamlessly integrates 2D, 3D and video views of the same spatial and nonspatial data. We have identified three key challenges (georeferencing, content creation for geo-spatial videos and bidirectional linking) that should be addressed to link among geo-spatial hypermedia. In order to perform point query in geo-spatial hypermedia, we present an easily implementable data model that serves well as a foundation for several query operations. We also describe a novel approach to connect geo-spatial video material with the geographic information of real-world geo-objects. The main idea is to transform video search space into a three-dimensional virtual world search space according to the remotely sensed GPS data for non-spatial data query processing in a video. In addition, we propose live-video processing method using AR technology according to user’s locations along the navigation path. Thus, our proposed approach exploits live-time video streams as well as preprocessed video streams. Experimental results indicate that the proposed approach is effective in retrieving geo-spatial video clips and nonspatial data.
KSP Keywords
Augmented reality(AR), Data Model, Geo-spatial, Geographic Information, Gps data, Navigation path, Novel approach, Point query, Processing Method, Query Processing, Query operations