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Conference Paper Bidirectional Traffic Status Image Information Service based on T-DMB
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Young Ho Jeong, Soon Choul Kim, Geon Kim, Chung Hyun Ahn, Soo In Lee
Issue Date
Multimedia on Mobile Devices 2007 (SPIE 6507), v.6507, pp.1-8
Conference Paper
Terrestrial-Digital Multimedia Broadcasting (T-DMB) can provide a variety of data services such as traffic and travel information (TTI), EPG and BWS. Among these data services, the demand of TTI service has dramatically increased due to rapid increase in the number of vehicles and population of frequently traveling on long-weekends. In order to providing TTI services, TPEG protocol was developed, However, it has been applied merely to two application areas such as RTM and PTI. Recently, the traffic status image information (TSI) service based on still image or moving pictures becomes more important because public confidence about the accuracy of currently used coded-traffic information is low. In this paper, we propose a novel bidirectional TSI application. It can overcome the drawbacks of conventional RTM service, which cannot provide any subjective route decision chance to users. The proposed application protocol is designed to be interoperable with TPEG and can be provided in T-DMB. To verify the stability of proposed application protocol, we implemented the data server/client, the receiving platform and the bidirectional contents server/host server. Through an experimental broadcasting using by T-DMB and wireless communication networks, it is shown that the proposed bidirectional TSI application protocol operates stably and effectively. © 2007 SPIE-IS&T.
KSP Keywords
Application areas, Application protocol, Bidirectional traffic, Data server, Image information, Information services, Route decision, Still image, Terrestrial-digital multimedia broadcasting(T-DMB), Traffic status, Travel information