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Conference Paper An Algorithm of Sharpening for the Blurred Blown-up Image
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Sang Wook Park, Chang Joon Park, In Ho Lee
Issue Date
Korea-Japan Joint Workshop on Frontiers of Computer Vision (FCV) 2007, pp.298-301
Conference Paper
This algorithm is about a method of sharpening without any counter effects for the blurred blown-up images. In the case of magnifying digital images, blown-up images have the resolution degradation such as blurring. Sharpening method is used to remove this down-grading in the image quality. However the counter effects such as ringing and jagging around edges happen when the image is sharpened. In this method no counter effect is generated, because the edge directional sharpening is applied to the blown-up image. This algorithm is composed of 5 steps: step 1 is to calculate the main edge direction. In step 2, the variance of the edge directions is computed. The image is high-pass filtered along the main edge direction in step 3, and it is filtered again by omni-directional high-pass filter in step 4. Finally in step 5, the edge directional sharpening is carried on using high-pass filtered information of step 4 and 5.