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학술지 ECgene : an Alternative Splicing Database Update
Cited 33 time in scopus Download 0 time Share share facebook twitter linkedin kakaostory
이연숙, 이영희, 김범진, 신영아, 남승윤, 김보라, 김남신, 정원형, 김재상, 이상혁
Nucleic Acids Research, v.35, pp.D99-D103
Oxford Univ. Press
06MB1700, 바이오 데이터 마이닝 통합관리 핵심 S/W 컴포넌트 개발, 박선희
ECgene ( was developed to provide functional annotation for alternatively spliced genes. The applications encompass the genome-based transcript modeling for alternative splicing (AS), domain analysis with Gene Ontology (GO) annotation and expression analysis based on the EST and SAGE data. We have expanded the ECgene's AS modeling and EST clustering to nine organisms for which sufficient EST data are available in the GenBank. As for the human genome, we have also introduced several new applications to analyze differential expression. ECprofiler is an ontology-based candidate gene search system that allows users to select an arbitrary combination of gene expression pattern and GO functional categories. DEGEST is a database of differentially expressed genes and isoforms based on the EST information. Importantly, gene expression is analyzed at three distinctive levels - gene, isoform and exon levels. The user interfaces for functional and expression analyses have been substantially improved. ASviewer is a dedicated java application that visualizes the transcript structure and functional features of alternatively spliced variants. The SAGE part of the expression module provides many additional features including SNP, differential expression and alternative tag positions. © 2007 Oxford University Press.
KSP 제안 키워드
Alternative splicing(AS), Candidate genes, Differential Expression, Expression analyses, Expression analysis, Functional features, Gene expression pattern, Gene ontology, Java application, Spliced variants, User interface