ETRI-Knowledge Sharing Plaform

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Conference Paper A Design and Implementation of the Contents Sharing Service on the Peer-to-Peer based Virtual Home Platform
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Moon-Ok Choi, Il-Woo Lee, Sang-Ok Lee, Ho-Jin Park
Issue Date
International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) 2007, pp.1853-1856
Conference Paper
This paper shows a design and implementation case of the contents sharing service application which is executed on the peer-to-peer based virtual home platform middleware. The virtual home platform provides an upper layer application with the peer-to-peer network configuration mechanism such as peer discovery, peer grouping, pipe binding and etc. An Application based on virtual home platform implemented using U-Share application architecture. In this architecture, an U-Share application is implemented by two layers. U-Share management and primitive service layer provide U-Share application layer with P2P functions which can be generally reused to implement various P2P applications. And the U-Share applications which are implemented on top layer include GUI and service dependent functions. In this work, we are following the U-Share application architecture to implement contents sharing application. We use U-Share management services to discover other peers and groups and to manage buddy list. We also use U-Share file transfer and message transfer primitive services to exchange messages and files between peers. U-Share contents sharing application search not only files but also service enabled peers which share contents. And application provides GUI by which the user can explore peers, groups and contents files on each peers. We also present an application level message routing method using hypercube graph to reduce the P2P message traffic.
KSP Keywords
Application architecture, Contents sharing, File Transfer, Hypercube graph, Management services, Message routing, Network configuration, P2P applications, Peer-to-Peer(P2P), Routing Method, Service Layer