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Conference Paper Introduction to the Performance Evaluation of HAPS-Mobile WiMAX Systems
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Yeon Su Kang, Bon Jun Ku, Do Seob Ahn
Issue Date
AIAA International Communications Satellite Systems Conference (ICSSC) 2007, pp.1-6
Conference Paper
In this paper, we evaluate the performance of mobile WiMAX systems in high altitude platforms (HAPs) by computer simulation. Mobile WiMAX is a new wireless internet service on 2.3 or 3 GHz frequency band providing high data rate wireless internet service. However, in order to provide the truly "anytime and anywhere" total solution services, HAPs' capability covering remote and sparsely populated areas with flexibility and low cost will be required. In order to meet this requirement, we explore the concept of HAPs mobile WiMAX system. In this paper, we consider the possibility of HAPS as the system which provides the mobile over wide coverage areas with coexisting terrestrial deployments by evaluating the system level simulation of the HAPS mobile WiMAX system in various environments, The performance of the HAPS mobile WiMAX system is compared with terrestrial mobile WiMAX system in the sense of maximum throughput. The simulation results show HAPS mobile WiMAX systems can provide extended service coverage comparing with terrestrial system and achieve the better performance and capacity than terrestrial systems. © 2007 by Yeonsu Kang, Bonjun Ku and Doseob Ahn.
KSP Keywords
Computer simulation(MC and MD), High altitude platform, High data rate, IEEE 802.16e(Mobile wimax), Internet service, Low-cost, Performance evaluation, WiMAX system, Wireless Internet, frequency band, maximum throughput