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학술대회 Sensos: A Sensor Node Operating System with a Device Management Scheme for Sensor Nodes
Cited 3 time in scopus Download 0 time Share share facebook twitter linkedin kakaostory
양만석, 소선섭, 은성배, 김병호, 김진천
International Conference on Information Technology : New Generations (ITNG) 2007, pp.1-6
06MW2100, 모바일 컨버전스 컴퓨팅을 위한 단말적응형 임베디드 운영체제 기술개발, 김흥남
We present Sensos, a sensor node operating system with the device management scheme for sensor nodes with multiple sensor elements. As the number of sensor elements attached to a single sensor node increases, programming of applications for each sensor elements becomes a significant burden to the developer. A device management scheme providing well-defined APIs independent to a specific sensor element itself can make the program development more efficient and convenient. The basic concept of the device management scheme integrated in this proposed sensor node operating system, Sensos, is based on IEEE 1451 standard. We redefined and simplified the existing standard to make it applicable to the sensor node operating system. Implementation of Sensos shows a remarkable small footprint less than 55Kbytes and we demonstrate that applications for new sensor devices can be easily developed using the proposed Sensos. ©2007 IEEE.
KSP 제안 키워드
IEEE 1451 standard, Sensor device, Sensor element, Sensor node, Well-defined, device management, management scheme, multiple sensors, operating system, program development, single sensor