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Conference Paper Design of Wearable Gadgets for Life-Log Service based on UTC
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Dong-Wan Ryoo, Jong-Ho Won, Chang-Seok Bae
Issue Date
International Symposium on Consumer Electronics (ISCE) 2007, pp.1-6
Conference Paper
Recently, the technology of the memory has been developed for storage of data. According to the technology of the memory, storage capacity has rapidly been increased. The new demand to store user's special situations or the daily life appears accordingly. A life-log means a recording the interesting events or the daily life of an individual as the digital method. The information for life log are as follows: a photograph, voice, the activity, physiological signals, time information, and location of user. In this paper, the design of wearable gadgets for life-log service based on UTC is presented. We designed of two kinds of wearable gadgets. The firstly is wearable gadget for low rate data (e.g., location), the second is wearable gadget for high rate data (e.g., video). The gadgets acquire the UTC (Universal Time Coordinated) time information by using GPS from a satellite. The acquired time (UTC) are included in acquired life log data from the different systems such as an image, an audio, a bio-signal, environmental information, etc. The measured life-log signals and environment signals in a daily life can be merged with the synchronized time and position information. This information can be realized the obtained time of life log data later. Therefore, it makes more and more useful information can be obtained. This can also provide many usabilities to retrieve data of life log.
KSP Keywords
Environmental information, High rate, Life Log, Log data, Log service, Low-rate, Physiological signals, Position information, Storage of data, Time information, bio-signal